To top it off, we decided to throw a week long camping trip into the middle of the month. 2 full bags of marshmallows, countless hot dogs, one bottle of wine and many beers later, here I am at the end of the month, avoiding the scale again.
July is 2 days away. I weighed in on the 14th at 176.2 and haven't stepped on the scale since. I can hear the scale secretly mumbling its thanks from under the bathroom sink- even he's afraid of those numbers. I know I've gained. I can feel it in my face and my stomach area. I'm not talking 10lbs here (or maybe I am) but, enough that I know it's there.
It sucks. I know I have to face the inevitability of the scale on Monday morning. I tried to give myself a buffer week after camping to get back on track, but the container of Reece's Peanut Butter ice cream in the freezer tells me that was a supreme fail (by container, I really mean half a spoonful, it could really be in a thimble, but using the container to hold that small spoonful lets me believe I didn't really eat that much). I need to weigh in every morning to keep myself on track.
So, July 1st is the date. There is something about. A new month starting on a Monday. Monday, July 1st.
No matter what the scale says on Monday morning, I will reach 168 by the end of July....
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