Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Less Rabbit- More Turtle

I'm not fast. 

I'm not quick or speedy or light on my feet.   I'm pretty slow.  If I were being generous I'd say I'm hovering below average.   If I were being honest, I'd just say "slow".  

As much as I want to be fast, I'm not.  I don't know if I'm really built to be fast.  My hips are wide, my legs are long (too long) and I'm clumsy.  I'm like a goofy golden retriever puppy, full of energy and rearing to go, but tripping over myself in excitement.  

Yesterday I believe I must have been sleep walking when I left the house and began Week 2, Day 3 of the C25K program. When my 30 minutes was up, I didn't stop- I just kept going and going and going.  Before I'd even really realized it, I went 10kms.   No, not running the entire way, but I'm proud of those 10k's none the less. 

Then, of course, I suffered the remainder of the day. My poor right hip feels like little pain beetles are burrowing into its socket.  It's always the first to go.  However, I'm loving the pain. It is a small reminder of my victory. 10kms! 

Today,  I decided to take it easy.  I wanted to do Day 3 again, because I'm hoping to improve my time.  My goal is to not move onto another week until I have beaten all my previous times and distances.  I screwed myself on that one a little bit by running on the treadmill the first week, but we will see how it goes!  

Instead of using a program, I decided to just go.  Its been so long since I've just put on my head phones and run without watching distance or pace or timing.   It felt so freeing and so unhurried.  It was one of the most relaxing runs I've had in as long as I can remember.  

And, of course, because I was not actively trying to beat myself;

I ran my fastest 5k and my fastest mile.  No, 44:37 is not a good time.... I'm simultaneously embarrassed and proud by the number.  Embarrassed because something in me is telling me it should be better, but proud because it is my fastest time so that means improvement.  

I am trying to increase my speed.  In a perfect world I'd bang out 5kms in 30 minutes.  I'm going to aim for 40 minutes by the end of July.  I'm also aiming to run the entire 5k without stopping to walk at all, but I know that will also take time.  

Here's to improvement!  

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